Artists Denounce Cancellation of İstanbul Elections: ‘Everything Will Be Fine’

A scene from the movie "Everything will be fine"
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After the Supreme Election Council (YSK) cancelled the Metropolitan Mayoral Elections and ruled for repeat elections in İstanbul yesterday (May 6), Ekrem İmamoğlu, who was elected as the Metropolitan Mayor of İstanbul according to unofficial election results and received his certificate of election on April 17, made a statement regarding the decision of the YSK.
Ekrem İmamoğlu has said, "They say, 'Artists don't speak', they will. They say, 'Businesspeople don't speak', they will. Now, it is time to speak. You will see that everything will be fine."
CLICK - Ekrem İmamoğlu: 'Everything will be Fine'
Shortly afterwards, several artists have denounced the YSK's verdict of cancellation on Twitter under the hashtag #herseycokguzelolacak (Everything will be fine). The hashtag has then become a trend topic in Turkey and second trend topic in the world.
Some posts shared by artists under the hashtags are as follows:
— Cem Yılmaz (@CMYLMZ) 6 Mayıs 2019
Comedian and filmmaker Cem Yılmaz has shared the above picture from his film 'Everything will be fine.'
— Gülben Ergen (@gulbenergen) 6 Mayıs 2019
Singer and actress Gülben Ergen has shared the hashtag #herseycokguzelolacak (Everything will be fine).
Herşey çok güzel olacak
— Demet Akbağ (@demetakbag) 6 Mayıs 2019
Theater and movie actress Demet Akbağ has also shared the message, "Everythign will be fine."
— Sertab Erener (@sertaberener) 6 Mayıs 2019
Musician Sertab Erener has also shared a post with the hashtag #herseycokguzelolacak (Everything will be fine).
Sayın @ekrem_imamoglu ‘nun konuşması güzel, makul, dengeli, haklı, kışkırtmadan uzak, kararlı ve umutluydu.
— Yılmaz Erdoğan (@yilmazerdogan) 6 Mayıs 2019
Haksızlığa uğramak, iyi bir insanın davasına ivme kazandırır.
Tüm toplumsal kesimler, hepimiz, el ele, hep birlikte güzel günlere…#herşeyçokgüzelolacak
Theater actor and filmmaker Yılmaz Erdoğan has stated, "The speech of Dear Ekrem İmamoğlu was beautiful, reasonable, balanced, rightful, awaw from provocation, determined and hopeful. Being subjected to injustice adds momentum to the cause of a good person. People from all segments of society... Hand in hand to the good days all together... Everything will be fine."
#herşeycokgüzelolacak filminde oynamaktan gurur duyan bir oyuncuyum ve #herşeycokgüzelolacak inanıyorum
— ceyda düvenci (@Ceyda_duvenci) 6 Mayıs 2019
Actress Ceyda Düvenci has written, "I am proud that I played a part in the movie 'Everything will be fine' and I believe that everything will be fine."
Elli beş yaşımdayım, yeteri kadar tanıklığım var sanıyordum canım ülkemde, yanılmışım. Böyle bir hukuksuzluk, vicdansızlık görmedim. Bir oy bir oydur deyip hasta annemi kucaklayıp oy vermeye gideceğim yine, yine, yine, yine...#herşeyçokgüzelolacak #Ekremİmamoğlu
— Cem Davran (@cdavran) 6 Mayıs 2019
Actor Cem Davran has said, "I am fifty-five years old and I thought that I had witnessed enough in my dear country, but, apparently, I was wrong. I have never seen such an unlawfulness and remorselessness. I will go to the polls by taking my ill mother in my arms again, again and again..."
— Fırat Tanış (@firattanis) 6 Mayıs 2019
Actor Fırat Tanış has also shared a post with the hashtag #herseycokguzelolacak (Everything will be fine).
— Ayşegül Aldinç (@AysegulAldinc) 6 Mayıs 2019
Ayşegül Aldinç has also supported the hashtag 'Everything will be fine.'
Tek istenilen şey
— Gökhan Özoğuz (@gokhanozoguz) 6 Mayıs 2019
Musician Gökhan Özoğuz has also written, "The only thing that people want is right, law and justice and everything will be fine!"
— Derya Koroglu (@KorogluDerya) 6 Mayıs 2019
Güzel günler göreceğiz çocuklar
Güneşli günler göreceğiz
Musician Derya Köroğlu: "herseycokguzelolacak (Everything will be fine) We will see beautiful days, children, we will see sunny days."
Her şey çok güzel olacak
— ferhanşensoy (@sestiyatro) 6 Mayıs 2019
Theater artist Ferhan Şensoy: "Evreything will be fine.'
— Mehmet Günsür (@iamMehmetGunsur) 6 Mayıs 2019
Actor Mehmet Günsür: #herseycokguzelolacak (Everything will be fine)