Artists Call For LGBT Pride March

Various artists released a video that hailed Turkey’s 21st LGBT Pride Week.
Prepared by artists Gupse Özay, İpek Bilgin, Füsun Demirel, Derya Karadaş, Gonca Vuslateri, Defne Halman, Hasibe Eren and Altan Erkekli, the video invited activists in Turkey to a variety of activities during 21st LGBT Pride Week - including Turkey’s 11th LGBT Pride March on June 30.
It also urged authorities to take measures to ensure a pro-freedom constitution, end hate crimes, and battle against homophobia and transphobia.
Turkey will observe its 21st Pride Week in 2013. LGBT Pride March will be held for the 11th time.
This year’s theme for LGBT Pride Week became “Resistance”!
Throughout the week, several forums are planned to provide discussions on law, education, union rights, feminism and LGBT refugees.
Several workshops and panels are expected to be held on the following topics: resistance forum, vegan workshop; panel on clashing feminisms and transphobia; panel on LBGT, work life and union movements, student reunions, panel on queer pedagogy and trans agenda meeting.
Also, theatre artist Sumru Yavrucak will perform her play “Kimsenin Ölmediği Bir Günün Ertesiydi” in Turkish, and Craft Theatre Group’s “Uğrak Yeri”. The film screening of Can Candan's My Child is also in the activity schedule. (YY/BM)