Article 19: Thorough Press Freedom Reform Indispensible

International press freedom organizations urge the Turkish government to review all laws that systematically oppress freedom of expression and to amend certain articles of the Criminal Law that lately created problems.
Most recently, the London-based human rights organization Article 19 called on the Turkish government "to fulfil its obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights by taking immediate steps to address the country's alarming freedom of expression situation".
Article 19: Extensive reforms necessary
"As the current Chairman of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers, Turkey has an excellent opportunity to lead by example in fulfilling these obligations" to respect and protect the rigth to freedom of expression, the organization stated.
Dink and Hayırsevener journalist murders
In their announcement, Article 19 also drew attention to the murder trials of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink and journalist Cihan Hayırsevener. The organization furthermore demanded the punishment of the perpetrators that attacked Diclie News Agency (DİHA) reporter Ömer Çelik.
Prison threats and imprisonment...
The human rights organization referred to data revealed by the Freedom for Journalists Platform (GÖP) saying that 44 journalists are currently being imprisoned. The organization criticized the 11-month prison sentence handed down to HaberinYeri ('News Site') website official Cem Büyükçakır under charges of insult.
"The Turkish authorities use and abuse a range of criminal law provisions to silence critical voices. [...]In addition to the 50 journalists currently in prison or detention, according to the European Federation of Journalists, more than 700 others face lawsuits which could land them in jail. [...]The trends [...] present particular problems for marginalised groups in Turkey, including ethnic minorities (particularly Kurds) and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons, as their right to freedom of expression is often disproportionally restricted.", the organization propounded.
According to Article 19, Law No. 5651 on Internet Crimes is another reason for disproportional provisions and implementations. Moreover, the organizaiton criticized the KCK Trial against 152 Kurdish politicians, human rights advocators and other public figures and evaluated the legal procedures as "aimed at shutting down the political activities of Kurdish groups". (EÖ/VK)
Click here to read the full statement.