Artı Gerçek News Site Writer Fadıl Öztürk Detained
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Artı Gerçek news site writer Fadıl Öztürk was detained in a police raid carried out into his home in İzmir today (January 5).
According to Artı Gerçek’s report, police went to Öztürk’s home at around 6 a.m. and told him there was a detention and search warrant issued for him for “writing articles promoting terrorism”
Fadıl Öztürk’s wife Berrin Öztürk said that the home was raided by six police officers. Their home was searched, and their hard drives and movies were seized. Furthermore, the police said that Fadıl Öztürk will appear before judge on Wednesday at the earliest.
Fadıl Öztürk was taken to İzmir Anti-Terror Bureau. (ÇT/TK)
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