Arrested Journalists in Prosecution's Interrogation

Early this morning, 49 people -most of them journalists- who were arrested with regard to the investigation into the alleged pro-Kurdish KCK organization are brought to Besiktas court in Istanbul.
Following the police operation on Tuesday, they were held at the Istanbul Police HQ. Public prosecutors interrogation is expected to begin today. Before being brought to court, the suspects were taken to the Forensic Medicine for health checks. Several among them shouted "Free press can't be silenced" to bystanders and their colleagues following the case. A number of journalists are waiting in front of the court house to support their arrested colleagues.
Full list of arrested suspects in the last police raid are as follows:
Ramazan Pekgöz (Dicle News Agency-DİHA, editor, Diyarbakır)
Mazlum Özdemir (DİHA correspondent,Diyarbakır)
Fatma Koçak (DİHA News Desk Manager,İstanbul)
Kenan Kırkaya (DİHA representative, Ankara)
Sadık Topaloğlu (DİHA correspondent,Urfa)
Semiha Alankuş (DİHA editor, Diyarbakır)
Çağdaş Kaplan (DİHA correspondent, İstanbul)
Ömer Çelik (DİHA correspondent, İstanbul)
Evrim Kepenek (DİHA correspondent -Van)
Güneş Ünsal (DİHA English Desk,İstanbul)
Zuhal Tekiner (DİHA concessionnaire, İstanbul)
Pervin Yerlikaya (DİHA-İstanbul)
Nilgün Yıldız (DİHA correspondent , Mardin)
Zeynep Kuray (Birgün daily correspondent)
Nahide Ermiş (Özgür Halk and Demokratik Modernite magazine board of editors)
Ömer Çiftçi (Demokratik Modernite magazine concessionnaire)
Davut Uçar (Etik Ajans, manager)
Hüseyin Deniz (Evrensel daily correspondent, former Özgür Gündem employee)
İsmail Yıldız (former DİHA employee)
Sevinç Tuncelli (former DİHA employee)
Dilek Demirel (former Özgür Gündem employee)
Sibel Güler (former Özgür Gündem employee)
Hamza Sümeli (Gün Print House)
Ertuş Bozkurt (Fırat Distribution)
Şeref Sümeli (former Fırat Distribution employee)
Çağdaş Ulus (Vatan daily correspondent)
Mustafa Özer (AFP correspondent)
Nevin Erdemir (Özgür Gündem daily)
Eylem Sürmeli (former Özgür Gündem employee)
Nurettin Fırat (Özgür Gündem daily columnist)
Ayşe Oyman (Özgür Gündem)
Yüksel Genç (Özgür Gündem columnist)
Hatice Bozkurt (Özgür Gündem)
Murat Eroglu (former DİHA employee)
Oktay Candemir (former DİHA employee)
Ziya Çiçekçi (Özgür Gündem daily concessionaire and responsible editor)
Haydar Tekin ( former Fırat Distribution employee)
Arzu Demir (Etkin News Agency, editor)
Safiye Torman (Demokratik Modernite magazine employee, Van)
Selahattin Aslan (Demokratik Modernite employee)
İrfan Bilgiç (former Fırat Distribution employee)
Ali Fidan (Fırat Distribution, İstanbul)
M. Emin Yıldırım (Azadiya Welat editor-in-chief)
Çiğdem Aslan
Cihan Albay
Ülfiye Özcan
Enis Yalçın
Saffet Orman (IC)
* One name not known as of Friday noon.