Arrested Engineer on 8th Day of Hunger Strike

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Olcay Abalay who had been arrested and sent to Silivri No. 6 L-type Prison in İstanbul went on a hunger strike in to order to improve the prison conditions and put an end to the mistreatment in prison.
He is currently on the 8th day of his non-alternate and indefinite hunger strike.
According to the information, provided by his attorney, Abalay had been brought to a foam covered room with his hands cuffed on the back and his feet tied and later to an solitary confinement cell for having protested against the State of Emergency practices in prison.
His communication per letters and faks was also cut off.
Arrested on March 17, still no indictment
Police saying "you have got a missing statement" had taken Abalay in custody on March 12 in Pertek district of Dersim. He had been kept in detention for five days and was later arrested by a court decision.
In his interrogation before the Prosecutor's office and court, he was asked about the wind turbines he had made in Küçük Armutlu and a village in Dersim which had been evacuated by force.
Albay is currently behind bars in Silivri No. 6 L-type Prison and a bill of indictment has still not been drafted and no formal charges have been filed against him.
The petition launched on demanding his release still continues. (AS/DG)