Arrested Detainees Used Right to Remain Silent, Court Logs Say

8 individuals submitted an official objection after being detained during Gezi Park Resistance and arrested based on evidence like “flags, construction helmets, dust masks and scarves”.
On July 8, Istanbul 31st Peace Court arrested Gezi Park demonstrators Ahmet Erol, Ahmet Kaycı, Ali Sarıçiçek, Ali Can Sünnetçioğlu, Mehmet Yalçın, Oğuz Tekin, Özgür Yıldırım and Umut Akgül for “not dispersing and not allowing law enforcement officers to execute their duties as non-armed protestors of a demonstration”.
“Both accused and not questioned”
Defense attorneys have submitted an official request this morning to Prosecutor’s Officer for the release of their clients by the court.
“Without asking questions, the court panel charged defendants of accusations that even prosecutors did not so,” defense lawyers wrote in an official statement.
“We are requesting for defendants’ pending trial due to lack of valid reasoning for the nature of crime and arrests.”
Evidence: Dance accessories
“Suspects used their rights to remain silent at police headquarters,” court logs cited.
Ahmet Kaycı, one of the arrested defendants, testified the items leading to his arrest as follows:
“I brought along scarves as I am folk dancer. I covered my face when police threw gas bombs. Black cap, half kittens, black mask were my dancing props. Therefore, I had them.”
Ali Can Sünnetçioğlu, a law major at Marmara University, plead that the red construction helmet and blue gas masks “confiscated by police during his detention” belonged to him.
Flag seller Ali Sarıçiçek, on the other hand, testified that he was selling flags for living and plead that he possessed several flags.” (AS/BM)
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