Around 3.5 Millions of Laborers Work Informally in Turkey

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According to the Report of Condition of Labor in Turkey prepared by DİSK/General-Labor Union Research Department, working age population has lost its hope in Turkey.
The data that the research obtained are as follows:
Employment in Turkey is lower than averages of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Union.
Employment rate in the EU is 65.7%; it is 66.3% in OECD average.
In countries such as Sweden, the Netherlands, Austria, Japan, and Germany employment participation rate is above 70%.
This rate is 50.4% in Turkey.
Working age population has lost its hope in Turkey.
Labor participation rate is 71.9% in Sweden; 60.4% in Germany; 56.5% in France; 64.4% in the Netherlands. The OECD average rate is 62.1%.
The ratio is 50.5% in Turkey.
Unemployment rate especially in women is extremely high.
In 2015, the unemployment rate in OECD countries was 6.7%, and in the EU is 9.2%.
In Turkey, the ratio is 10.2%. According to the research conducted by the DİSK-AR, the true unemployment rate varies between 16%-18% as those who stopped using the channels to seek job in 2014 are included too.
Informal work
As many as 3.5 million laborers work informally in Turkey.
According to stats of Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), 33.47% of the total employment is informal employment in Turkey. 18.33% of wageworker or per diem worker work informally.
Working hours
Working hours are way above the OECD average.
OECD rate in working hours is 36.7. Despite the fact that legal average working hour is 45 hours in Turkey, the average working hours is more than 49 hours.
In public insecure and temporary employment takes the place of secure employment.
Labor regressed in public sector.
Occupational murder
The laborer rate in the scope of unionization and collective bargaining is lower than many OECD countries.
The number of laborers losing their lives in occupational murder is rising. (YY/TK)