Army Opens Fire at People in Egypt

At 4 am this morning, Egyptian Army opened fire on pro-Morsi Muslim Brotherhood members who assembled on the steps of Republican Guard Headquarters in Cairo, Egypt.
According to Al Ahram and Al Jazeera, medical sources say that 16 people were killed, while Muslim Brotherhood authorities declared the death toll to be 35. Roughy 500 were wounded.
Army opened fire at protestors as they were holding their morning prayer, Muslim Brotherhood spokesperson Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Baltagi said in a statement.
An official statement from Egypt Army claimed that “a terrorist group attempted to jump over a barricade and raid the headquarters.
“A commander was killed and roughly 40 soldiers have been wounded,” the statement said.
Last night, a group of protestors assembled in Rabaa al-Adawiya Square in Cairo to initiate a march towards Republican Guard Headquarters - an army building where Egypt’s outsted president Mohammed Morsi is currently being kept.
So far, scores of Egyptians were killed during the protests after a military coup against Morsi administration.
“Protestors were caught off guard,” protestor Ali Al-Hadidi told BBC. “Soldiers fired real bullets and threw tear gas bombs.”
Mohammed Al Shillih, another protestor, told AFP that soldier directly fired at protestors.
Help call to the world
Rabaa al-Adawiya Press Center, a media initiative by Muslim Brotherhood, made a help appeal to the world.
“Pro-Morsi protestors in Rabaa al-Adawiya Square and Republican Guard Headquarters area have been sieged. They are blocking healthcare professionals to arrive at the scene and take injured out,” the center said in a statement.
Soldiers are reportedly not allowing press representative to leave their hotels. Rumors say that authorities do not want press presence in the hot clash zones. (AS/BM)
* Photo credit: Daily Mail.