Army Calls for Mass Reaction to Terror
In the statement the readers were reminded that as early as 12 April 2007, the Chief of General Staff Yasar Büyükanit had predicted an escalation of terror in May 2007, and claimed that current events had proven him right.
The statement also denounced people and organizations who were using shared human values such as peace, freedom and democracy both abroad and at home as a smoke screen for terrorist organizations.
"Unshakeable determination"
The statement continued by saying that "the Turkish Republic's national and unitary structure is faced with an attitude which considers this structure to be outmoded. Our nation needs to recognize this dangerous attitude." Recent terrorist events were cited as proof for this attitude.
The General Staff reiterated its "unshakeable determination" to fight against terror.
Militarist discourse being strengthened
In an evaluation of the Internet statement, political analyst Kenan Kalyon claimed that as well as an escalation of violence, there was a militarist discourse growing in strength. He called on not only pacifists, but "everone in their right mind" to resist as follows:
* A democratic election process needed to be safeguarded in July
* Military operations in Northern Iraq should be opposed openly.
* The hegemony of civil politics and democracy needed to be defended.
Not only PKK considered a threat
According to Kalyon, the army now sees not only the PKK but a "united Kurdish area" as a threat, with the government of Iraqi Kurdistan as a focal point.
He also commented on the end of the PKK ceasefire, saying that the army was never held to account for not ending its operations during the ceasefire period.
Reactions to General Staff
Human rights activists and parties of the left have reacted strongly against the internet statement of the General Staff.
The Human Rights Common Platform (IHOP) said that the press release targeted democracy and human rights activists. Furthermore, it evaluated the call for a "mass reflex" as an incitement to lynching and other attacks.
The IHOP also asked: "If the army was aware of an escalation of terrorist attacks, why did it do nothing to prevent them?" and questioned how proponents of democracy, freedom and peace had ever hindered the "war on terror".
Increase in nationalism
Kemal Okuyan, General Secretary of the Turkish Communist Party (TKP) also feared an escalation of lynching attempts and violence. He deplored the increase in nationalism among both Turks and Kurds. He called on the General Staff to retract its statement. (NZ/TK/AÖ/EÜ/AG/EÜ)