Armed Living-Rooms

Umut Foundation announced in their protest on Istanbul's centrally located Taksim square that 3000 people die each year because of firearms and 700 are injured. After the silent protest on 28 September, the foundation pointed out that weapons are considered as a necessity by people who lack self-confidence, who do not trust the law enforcement and their environment and/or who want to be treated as an "adult".
According to data compiled by the Umut Foundation, the main reason for the frequent homicides and suicides is the easy availability of firearms.
Weapons in 8 percent of all cars
This is the data announced on the protest:
- 60 percent of all murders are committed with firearms.
- 1 person out of 10 carries a weapon. Weapons can be found in 1 out of 3 homes.
- The existence of weapons in a household increases the risk of a person being murdered, committing suicide or dying accidentally by 41 percent.
- Scanning the files of the Murder Office Authorities, in 90 percent of the reasons for criminal interrogations such as quarrels, jealousy and honor matters weapons have been used and in 80 percent respectively as far as causal connections are concerned.
- 8 percent out of 13 million drivers account for behaving seriously aggressive. In this group the proportion of people carrying guns is reasonably high. 80 percent of all weapons are in easily accessible places such as under the pillow, in a drawer, in the car's gloves compartment or attached to the belt.
- 1 out of 10 murders with firearms happens in traffic because people lose their temper in road rage. The number of people shot or injured by firearms in traffic is on the rise.
Weapons do not provide security but danger
Umut Foundation sees three factors for considering weapons as a "necessity":
- Lack of trust in the law enforecement
- Lack of self-confidence or of trust in the environment
- Desire for social esteem, being considered as an "adult"
The foundation drew attention to the fact that people cannot protect themselves better with weapons: "Experts emphasize that weapons do not account for security. To the contrary, weapons are rather inviting danger". (BÇ/VK)