Armed Conflict in Gazi Neighborhood, One Child Killed

The tension following presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtaş’ opening an election stand in Kağıthane Nurtepe neighborhood in Istanbul two days ago had spread to Sarıgazi and Gazi Neighborhoods.
16-year-old İbrahim Öksüz lost his life when he reportedly got caught in the crossfire in an armed conflict that broke out in Gazi Neighborhood last night [between July 31 and August 1]. The People’s Front [Halk Cephesi] declared that the fight had been between gangs and that Öksüz was 14 years old.
The fight in which the police intervened with tanks and tear gas turned into an armed conflict. According to Hürriyet Newspaper’s news item, 16-year-old İbrahim Öksüz, caught in the crossfire in the events where Molotov cocktails were also involved was a textile worker. Öksüz was reportedly caught in the crossfire when he left the textile workshop he works in to go home.
People’s Front broadcast organ ran the event with the headline, “İbrahim Öksüz dies, shot by gang members”. “14-year-old İbrahim Öksüz shot by gang members in Gazi Neighborhood lost his life around 11 pm after being hospitalized in Şişli Etfal Hospital,” stated the news item.
YDG-H and YDG-H Istanbul also made a declaration saying two had been injured and that the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) was the actual target. (HK/PU)
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