Armed attack on Human Rights Federation Chair’s vehicle in İzmir

* News and photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
Click to read the article in Turkish / Kurdish
An armed attack has been launched against Human Rights Federation (İHF) Chair Hayrullah Eligül's parked vehicle in Aegean province of İzmir.
While the incident took place in the 514 Street in Beyazevler Neighborhood of Gaziemir district at around 3 a.m. today (June 17), no one reportedly lost their lives or got wounded in the attack. The person or persons who carried out the attack fled the scene of incident in an automobile.
Informed about the incident, police officers came to the scene of incident. While the police teams took security measures in the vicinity, crime scene investigation teams conducted an inquiry in the area. The nearby surveillance cameras are also being examined by the police.
Eligül went to the police station to depose after the attack. The investigation launched into the incident is still ongoing. (TP/SD)