Another Call for Peace from Ankara

A total of 162 unions, organisations and formations in Ankara made a joint statement calling for the silencing of weapons and for the preparation of grounds for a permanent solution of the Kurdish problem.
"We are expecting the concerned parties to respond to our call so that we can all live together in peace and equality," said the organisation. Following are some parts from the joint statement:
Emotional disengagement is deepening: The insistence to solve the problem through violence is increasing emotional disengagement between the Turks and the Kurds and gradually rendering them enemies. State institutions' attitude, which protects and absolves the aggressive crowds and which depicts the victims as enemies and criminals, is inciting lynch attempts and deepening discrimination.
Weapons should be silenced: We the associations, unions, chambers, circles and platforms in Ankara, are calling on the sides to put an urgent end to clashes and create an atmosphere of peace that would clear the way for a political solution. For the democratic solution of the Kurdish Problem, a peaceful atmosphere should be created, the weapons should be silenced and the fingers should be kept off the triggers. The Turkish Armed Forces should cease operations and the PKK should stop its actions.
An atmosphere of dialogue: The process of dialogue should begin so that a permanent solution can be rendered possible. No actor, who sees himself as a side in solution should be ignored. An atmosphere of dialogue free of prohibitions should be created and the various suggestion should be discussed without prejudices.
New constitution: A democratic constitution to be prepared with the society's participation is crucially important for the solution of the Kurdish problem. We will support every effort for a pluralist, new constitution which is based on democratic values, freedom and equality.
Election threshold should be lifted: For politics to serve as a problem-solving mechanism, there is need for a political party regime in which all political views can freely express their views. The election threshold, which leads to unfairness in representation should be lifted. Political parties and the election law should be cleared of prohibitions.
Release Kurdish politicians and rights activists: All politicians, human rights activists and the peace ambassadors who were released for leaving their weapons behind and returning, should immediately be released.
Message to the media: It is important that political actors and the media adopt a language based on equality and freedoms and create a ground for negotiations. (TK)