Ankara Governorship Bans LGBTI Events Indefinitely

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Ankara Governorship has banned the events to be held by “LGBTI NGOs” indefinitely after having banned the German LGBTI Film Days.
The governorship based its decision on pretexts such as “social sensitivity and sensibilities”, “inciting people to grudge and hostility”, “protection of public health and morality” and “protection of others’ rights and freedoms”.
Mardin Workshop of the Gender Based Journalism project run by bianet in cooperation with KaosGL to be held on November 18 was cancelled as it was targeted by the media.
LGBTI organizations denounced the ban
LGBTI associations in Ankara, Pembe Hayat (Pink Life) and Kaos GL, said that the ban contravenes law, it is arbitrary and discriminative and that they declared that they will take legal steps against this decision.
The statement expressed that the statements used by the governorship such as “protection of public health and morality”, “social sensitivity and sensibilities”, “public safety” and “protection of others’ rights and freedoms” justify right violations and discrimination against the LGBTIs. (HK/ÇT/TK)