Animal Rights Activists Go to Conflict Zone

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Animal Rights Monitoring Committee (HAKİM) and Freedom to Earth Association are going to Kurdish cities tomorrow (December 26) to draw attention to animals whose rights are usurped killed.
As many as 100 NGOs are gathering to Turkey’s southeastern province of Diyarbakır within the scope of “Peace for Children” campaign. Animal rights defenders stating they are worried about every living being in conflict and war environment have declared they are joining the gathering as well.
The group will first make a statement in Diyarbakır at 11 a.m. Then it will head to Roboski in 4th year of Roboski Massacre which killed 34 people and 59 mules. Finally, the group will visit various animal shelters and run a report.
Animal shelters to be visited
HAKİM Coordinator Burak Özgüner said, “War slaughters both people and animals, usurp their rights”.
“We will move to Roboski to share people’s suffering, become voice of animals on 4th anniversary of Roboski Massacre. We will reiterate our call for conscientious objection and call out to whole Turkey to eradicate the war.
“We will visit animal shelters from which we cannot receive any news in cities under curfew and run reports on condition of the shelters. We will make a plan in line with the report about people forced to immigration, street animals and shelter, and that we will call out to all organizations inside and outside Turkey solidarity and step into action to meet the needs of humans and non-human animals”. (NV/TK)