Anatolian leopard spotted in Türkiye

Photos: Ministry of Agricutlure and Forestry
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An Anatolian leopard was spotted in Türkiye, the Ministry of Agricutlure and Forestry announced yesterday (January 26).
"The Anatolian leopard is on the stage again. While it is nice to even wait knowing that it exists, the renuion with it is indescribable," Minister Vahit Kirişçi wrote on Twitter.
Camera traps placed by the ministry had spotted another Anatolian leopard on October 11.
The ministry did not disclose the location of the animal.
Until a few years ago, the last Anatolian was thought to be killed in 1974 in Beypazarı, Ankara. However, after some suspected leopard traces were found, the Directorate General for Nature Conservation and National Parks (DKMP) started work to spot the nimals.
A camera trap caught a male Anatolian leopard for the first time on August 25, 2019.
Anadolu Leoparı iki ayrı bölgemizde yeniden görüntülendi.
— Prof.Dr.Vahit Kirişci (@VahitKirisci) January 26, 2023
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