‘Anatolia is a large folder in terms of artistic creation,' says Erdoğan
* Photo: Murat Çetinmühürdar (Presidency) / AA
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The "2020 Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Awards" were presented in a ceremony held at the Presidency in Ankara yesterday (December 30).
CLICK - Presidential Culture and Arts Awards granted to men, again
Delivering a speech at the ceremony, President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stressed his happiness to come together with "artists, who steer Turkey's artistic, scientific and cultural life and whose works brighten its path":
"I hope the 2020 Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Awards may lead to auspicious developments. I wholeheartedly congratulate our men and women of science, culture and arts to whom we will present their awards."
Likening the lands of Anatolia in Central Turkey to "a large folder in terms of artistic creation", President Erdoğan said that Anatolia was "a folder that contains cultures and civilizations piled up in files."
"The zeitgeist, which encapsulates cultures layer by layer, civilizations chunk by chunk, and arts pile by pile from Göbeklitepe, from the Hittites, from Lydia, from Phrygia, from the Roman Empire, from the Byzantine Empire, from the Seljuk Empire and from the Ottoman Empire to the present day, proudly lives on in these lands," said Erdoğan and added:
"Just look at our works which end up in museums across the world though they belong to our geography, signifying theft of history or identity...
"Even this alone suffices to prove how vast and deep an artistic heritage our Republic, which nears its centenary, is in possession of as well as the potential this heritage harbors to recreate works admired by the entire world."
Erdoğan's expectations from artists
Further in his speech, Erdoğan also listed a series of expectations from the artists in Turkey. Some of these expectations were as follows:
"The artists that we expect will shake the music lists with their songs which they composed as a cry against tyranny and injustice and will, thereby, change the universal understanding of music.
"The artists that we expect will not try to show themselves by chanting slogans, but will receive standing ovations in the greatest halls of the world.
"The artists that we expect will put their stamp on history with their manner of art or with the form of art that they perform.
"The artists that we expect will be persons of distinction thanks to what they produce and they will attract masses with their manner of art.
"The artists that we expect will not be swayed by the order of the day, but they will give an agenda to the world, enter the record books with their performance and create an art fashion with their own styles.
"The artists that we expect will produce their works of art instead of holding the nation in contempt or constantly complaining.
"The artists that we expect will not show their opposition by hurling political polemics on social media, but with their art they gave wings and made fly."
They have been granted to men since 2014The winners of the "2020 Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Awards" were announced on Republic Day (October 29). According to a statement released by the Presidency's Directorate of Communications, the grand awards "are granted to persons or institutions that make significant contributions to Turkish culture and art life, exert efforts to glorify the Turkish culture and art, and display outstanding talent with original works of art or services." This year's winners are the following men, according to the statement of the Directorate of Communications: "Within the scope of the Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Awards of this year, Mehmet Çebi, collector, was granted an award and it was decided to present the 'loyalty' award to Necmeddin Okyay by the Council. "Sadettin Ökten was awarded the 'cultural history' prize, İsmail Kara was awarded the 'social sciences' prize, İbrahim Tenekeci was awarded the 'literature' prize, Derviş Zaim was awarded the 'cinema' prize, and Özdemir Erdoğan was awarded the 'music' prize this year." In other words, this year, all seven awards have been granted to men. Last year, all five awards and in the years of 2017, 2016 and 2015, all six awards were also granted to men. It was in 2014 that women were presented the prize for the last time: Alev Alatlı received the prize for literature and Hülya Koçyiğit for cinema. While the Presidential Culture and Arts Awards have been granted since 1995, apart from Alatlı and Koçyiğit, Yıldız Kenter received the award in 1998 and Adalet Ağaoğlu and Şefika Kutluer in 1995. |