An online talk: How does discrimination spread through algorithms?

* Photo: Pixabay
Social media and hate speech will be discussed in an online talk to be held at 7 pm local time in Turkey today (December 15).
Organized by Hrant Dink Foundation, the online talk titled "Social Media and Hate Speech: How does discrimination spread through algorithms?" will discuss hate speech on social media with Susan Benesch, the Founding Director of the Dangerous Speech Project.
With a focus on methods used in combating hate speech, new technological advancement in the field, the roles and responsibilities of different actors, the talk will be moderated by Yasemin Giritli İnceoğlu.
Acknowledging that discriminatory language, hate speech and fake news have become increasingly widespread on social media platforms in the recent years, the online talk will focus on the following questions:
Are big technology companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ struggling with the spread of hate speech on their platforms? Is this effort enough? How are existing algorithms opt to fuel discrimination and polarization? What are the roles of government, civic society, and academics in addressing hate speech on social media? How can free expression be protected while combating hate speech?
While the event will be held via Zoom, English and Turkish simultaneous interpretation will be available at the event. It will also be broadcast live on the Foundation's YouTube, Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Click here for further information and registration
About Susan BeneschSusan Benesch is the founder and director of the Dangerous Speech Project, a nonprofit research team that studies dangerous speech and ways to counteract it while protecting freedom of expression. She is also a Faculty Associate of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. About Dangerous Speech ProjectThe Dangerous Speech Project was founded in 2010 to study speech (any form of human expression) that inspires violence between groups of people – and to find ways to mitigate this while protecting freedom of expression. Dangerous Speech Project focuses on four areas: Tracking and studying dangerous speech in many countries; Researching effective responses to dangerous speech and other forms of harmful expression; Advising social media and other tech companies on their policies, and encouraging them to engage in transparent research; Teaching dangerous speech ideas to a variety of people who use them to study and counter dangerous speech. About Yasemin Giritli İnceoğluAfter working at Marmara University between 1984 and 2004, Yasemin Giritli İnceoğlu started working at Galatasaray University Faculty of Communication in 2004 and retired in 2016. In addition to being a member of international organizations such as ILAD, UNESCO and the American Institute of Biography, İnceoğlu gave lectures and seminars in Columbia University (1994), Salzburg Seminerine (2003), Jawaharlal Nehru University Center for Media Studies in New Delhi (2014), and European University Institute (2017). |