American Medical Association calls for action for Prof. Korur-Fincancı

Click to read the article in Turkish
The House of Delegates of the American Medical Association (AMA) adopted a resolution in relation to the arrest of Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur-Fincancı, head of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) and the oppression against the association.
The AMA decided to support the efforts to free Korur-Fincancı and to preserve the independence of the TTB.
Noting that AMA has long declared its support for "physicians who have been subject to imprisonment or torture because of their humanitarian efforts to improve the health of their patients," the resolution states the following:
* The AMA recommends to its Delegation to the World Medical Association (WMA) to offer AMA's assistance to the WMA with efforts to free unjustly imprisoned health professionals and to preserve the independence of the Turkish Medical Association [Directive to Take Action], and
* The President of the AMA will write to the U.S. Secretary of State to express AMA's concerns and to ask the Secretary to intervene in support of these Turkish health professionals and the independence of the Turkish Medical Association.
Click to read the full letter (English original / Turkish translation)
What happened?
On October 18, the Fırat News Agency (ANF) released a video clip of two PKK members allegedly exposed to chemical weapons.
The clip showed a man having a seizure and a woman showing delirious behavior. Both people eventually died because of the exposure, according to the ANF report.
Commenting on the allegations for Medya Haber TV, Korur-Fincancı said, "I have examined the videos. Obviously, toxic gasses that directly [affect] the nervous system have been used," adding that the claims should be investigated.
Saying that an investigation in the region by independent teams is a requirement according to international conventions, Korur-Fincancı said, "In the scope of implementation of international conventions and the Geneva Protocol sets how an investigation should be carried out when there is such a claim."
Korur-Fincancı was scapegoated after her statements and targeted by the media close to the government.
Ankara Prosecution Office announced that an investigation was started against Korur-Fincancı for "making propaganda of a terrorist organization" "insulting the Turkish nation, Republic of Türkiye, and the bodies and institutions of the state."
Korur-Fincancı was expected to give her statement in the scope of the investigation however on October 26, she was taken into custody following a police raid at her house and brought to Ankara. She was arrested by the court on October 27 for "making propaganda of a terrorist organization." (SD/PE/VK)