Allegations of Violations in İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoral Election Rerun

* Photograph: Murat Bayram / bianet
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As the ballot boxes opened for the repeat İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoral elections, allegations of violations committed during the voting process came from some districts and ballot boxes. Some of these allegations reported in the news throughout the day were as follows:
'Parliamentary Election' seals in 2 districts
Republican People's Party (CHP) MP Mahmut Tanal tweeted earlier today, "Parliamentary elections are written on the balloting committee seals on voting envelopes in Üsküdar. Please, show the utmost attention and care."
Üsküdarda zarflardaki sandık kurulu müdüründe milletvekili seçimi yazıyor...Lütfen azami dikkat ve özeni gösterelim...
— Av.Mahmut TANAL (@MTanal) 23 Haziran 2019
Shortly afterwards, similar news came from the district of Beykoz as well.
In response, former CHP MP and journalist Barış Yarkadaş stated on Twitter, "The problem regarding the expression of 'Parliamentary Election' has been solved. Here is the verdict which rules that the envelopes in question shall be deemed valid" and shared the below picture.
In its related ruling, the Beykoz District Election Council indicated that the envelopes with "Parliamentary election" written on them will be considered valid. "The starting of voting procedure from scratch is not within time and possibility, considering that when the issue was detected, the voting process had already started," the ruling stated further.
At Kağıthane Atatürk Primary School, a person who attempted to vote while having his/her mobile phone with him/her tried to prevent the balloting committee members who wanted to take an action. Minutes were taken down regarding the incident.
At Avcılar Atatürk Secondary School, it was alleged that one person cast vote though his/her name was not indicated in the voters' list. Minutes were taken down regarding the incident and the vote of the person was deemed invalid.
As reported by İleri Haber news website, a group of ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) members attacked a group of CHP members by calling them "traitors" at Şişli Mustafa Sarıgül Primary School. Two assaulters have been reportedly taken into custody.
Şişli'deki Mustafa Sarıgül İlkokulu'nda AKP'li grubun CHP'lilere saldırısından görüntüler ortaya çıktı #23HaziranSeçimleri / via: @gazeteyolculuk
— İleri Haber (@ilerihaber) 23 Haziran 2019
At Gülensu Primary School in Maltepe, a balloting committee member from the AKP made a voter vote in a place that could be seen by others and propagandized for the AKP by saying, "They built roads and subway. Minutes were taken down regarding the incident.
As reported by news website, at the İmdat Foundation Dumlupınar Secondary School, voting paper and envelopes, which were torn down with the "Supreme Election Council (YSK)" emblem still visible on them, were found in women's restroom. Minutes have been reportedly taken down regarding the incident.