All Defendants of Oda TV Trial Acquitted

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Summary judgement of Oda TV case in which journalists Soner Yalçın, Barış Pehlivan, Barış Terkoğlu, Ayhan Bozkurt, Ahmet Şık, Nedim Şener, Müyesser Yıldız, Doğan Yurdakul, Coşkun Musluk, Sait Çakır, Yalçın Küçük, İklim Bayraktar and former Security Director Hanefi Avcı were tried.
The court board consisting of members Abdülkadir Ungan, Kudret Karslı and chief judge Yener Yıldırım ordered release of all the 13 defendants.
Şık, who was arrested on March 6, 2011 because of the Oda TV investigation was released on March 12, 2012. Five years later, Şık was this time arrested for “propagandizing for FETÖ and PKK”.
“I have a lot of things to say but if I speak my mind, those will be subject to a new trial”, Şık said.
“This courthouse has become a graveyard for justice. It is so sad that the judges and prosecutors have become the grave diggers”. (EKN/TK)