Ali Bulaç to be paid 12,240 Euro in non-pecuniary damages

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The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has concluded the application of Ali Bulaç, who was put on trial in the Zaman newspaper case.
Pronouncing its judgement today (June 8), the ECtHR has concluded that his "right to liberty and security" as per the Article 5/1 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and his "freedom of expression" as per the Article 10 of the ECHR have been violated.
Turkey will pay Bulaç 12,240 Euro in non-pecuniary damages.
He is standing trial again
Ali Bulaç, a former columnist for the Zaman newspaper, was arrested on July 31, 2016. He was released at his hearing on May 11, 2018.
In the trial of 31 workers of Zaman newspaper, which was closed by the Statutory Decree no. 686, including former columnists Şahin Alpay, Ali Bulaç, Mümtazer Türköne, Ahmet Turan Alkan, Nuriye Akman and Mustafa Ünal, on charges of "coup attempt" and "membership of the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization / Parallel State Structure (FETÖ/PDY)", the court board handed down its ruling at the final hearing on July 6, 2018.
The İstanbul 13th High Criminal Court ruled that Şahin Alpay, Ali Bulaç and Ahmet Turan Alkan should be sentenced to 8 years, 9 months in prison; İbrahim Karayeğen to 9 years in prison; and Mümtazer Türköne and Mustafa Önal to 10 years, 6 months in prison for "organization membership."
After the Court of Cassation reversed the ruling, four defendants, including Bulaç, started standing trial on April 13, 2021. (AS/SD)