Ali Babacan's W20 Advice For Women

Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan explained that they want to establish a new line called W20 (Women20) for women at the first meeting of B20 (The Business 20), which is the business branch of G20, in Turkey.
Babacan spoke, drawing attention to the development of country with women’s involvement:
“What more can we do to increase women’s activity in business world? G20 countries should work with non-G20 countries and what should we do? What should ministers, central bank managers and leaders decide on? We do think that this is critically important. We cannot say that we have come to an agreement with all 20 countries. However, we express this as much as we can.
“We believe that a separate W20 operating under B20 will be very helpful. Ultimately, this is important in terms of employment and the stronger development of global economy. Because, as women join the workforce, the efficiency in that country ultimately increases. We want this to start as the innovation of our presidency like Global SME Forum and to be a memorable aspect of G20.” (NV/BAR/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.