Alevite Demands Turned Down
Those who do not allocate land for Cemevi commit crime after the Çankaya Cemevi Construction Association was denied a space for a temple, says IHD chair Yusuf Alataş.
The District Administration justifies refusal with the argument that no communal building other than the ones appropriately constructed as a mosque can be used as a temple.
IHD puts forth article 24 of the Constitution and the 9th article of EHRT protects freedom of conscious and religion and that 14th article of EHRT bans any kind of discrimination.
No office can comment on Alevis
IHD adopts the following ideas on the issue seen in the press statement today:
*Neither public organizations nor people in charge have the right to discriminate a group of people because of their religious beliefs or right to interpret those beliefs in line with their personal interests.
*In this context, no organization or person can interpret the Alevi sect, faith of millions, and make discrimination.
*Such an approach would not be in conformity with the principle of a Secular State stated in the 2nd article of the constitution.
*A secular state should keep its distant same towards all religions and sects.
*So equal distribution of sources is a necessity of the principle of secularity.
IHD demanded the withdrawal of the decision along with equal opportunities for Cemevi construction with those of Mosques.
In the press statement called for attention form various ministries and wanted inquisition for those who made the mentioned decision. (OA/YE)