Albayrak Meets Trump, Investors Say 'Worst Ever We Have Seen'

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The American Turkish Council (ATC) and the Turkish American Business Council (TAİK) organized a conference in the US. State officials from Turkey have also been in the US to hold talks with their counterparts.
Minister of Treasury and Finance Berat Albayrak, who has been in the US since Thursday, attended the meetings of JP Morgan, World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and G20.
Albayrak announced today (April 16) on Twitter that he met with US President Donald Trump.
"In Washington, we have been received by US President Mr. Donald Trump during the meetings where we talked with Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin and Senior Chief Consultant Jared Kushner on increasing our cooperation. We delivered our President's greetings and messages to him."
Vaşington’da, Hazine Bakanı Steve Mnuchin ve Kıdemli Başdanışman Jared Kushner ile, işbirliğimizi artırmaya yönelik adımları görüştüğümüz toplantılar sırasında, ABD Başkanı Sayın Donald Trump tarafından kabul edildik. Kendilerine Cumhurbaşkanımızın selam ve mesajlarını ilettik.
— Berat Albayrak (@BeratAlbayrak) April 16, 2019
Speaking to journalists, Albayrak said, "[Trump] appreciated the process regarding Turkey's need of the S-400 and listened to us sensibly. It was a positive and constructive talk."
"The worst meeting ever"
The Axios reported that investors who attended Albayrak's closed-door meetings called it "the worst they've ever had with a high-ranking government official."
One investor remarked, "It was an absolute shit show", while another said, "I've literally never seen someone from an administration that unprepared."
"The unimpressive performance could not have come at a worse time for Turkey. Investors are growing more anxious as the country heads toward recession and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is seeing his popularity erode," the Axios concluded. (HA/VK)