AKP’s new central decision, executive board: 52 men, 23 women

* Photo: Mustafa Kamacı - AA
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The 7th Ordinary Congress of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) was held in the capital city of Ankara yesterday (March 24).
Both the members of its Central Executive Board (MYK) and Central Decision and Executive Board (MKYK) were determined at the congress.
As reported by the state-run Anadolu Agency (AA), Numan Kurtulmuş and Binali Yıldırım, a former Prime Minister who was also the AKP's mayor candidate in İstanbul, have become Vice AKP Chairs while Ömer Çelik has been re-elected the party's spokesperson.
Fatih Şahin will now serve in the AKP Central Executive Board as the secretary-general and Hayati Yazıcı has become the director for the party's political and legal affairs. While Naci Bostancı will continue to serve as the parliamentary group chair, Mahir Ünal and Mustafa Elitaş have become the parliamentary group deputy chairs. Bülent Turan, Emin Akbaşoğlu and Cahit Özkan are other parliamentary group deputy chairs of the AKP.
President and AKP Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has also been re-elected as the Chair of the party for the 7th term. Out of 1,431 ballots, President Erdoğan got 1,428 valid votes, and there were three spoiled ballots, according to Ali Ihsan Yavuz, the party's deputy chair.
Speaking after the vote, AKP Chair Erdoğan thanked his fellow party members "for deeming him worthy of the post."
Statement on 'cabinet reshuffle'
AKP Spokesperson Ömer Çelik also answered a question about a possible cabinet reshuffle. Çelik stated that it was an issue "at the discretion" of Erdoğan, adding that "it is out of the question for him to say whether there is something like that or not or it will happen on this or that date."
"But as you all know, all of you have been working in Ankara for a long time now... In such cases, all guesses fall through; it is completely at the discretion of our President to decide when and how it will be done," said AKP's Ömer Çelik, addressing the reporters in Ankara.
47 new members to the MKYKSeparately, the party has also elected the 75 members of its Central Decision and Executive Board (MKYK). While 47 new figures have been elected to the board, 22 people have been voted out. Mahir Ünal and Lütfi Elvan, the current Minister of Treasury and Finance appointed after Berat Albayrak, are among these 22 people. The MKYK has 75 permanent and 35 reserve members. 75 permanent members: 52 men, 23 womenThe MKYK's new permanent members are as follows: "Abdurrahim Fırat, Abdurrahman Kurt, Ahmet Büyükgümüş, Ahmet Gündoğdu, Ahmet Sami Ceylan, Alaattin Parlak, Ali İhsan Yavuz, Ayhan Salman, Ayşe Böhürler, Bayram Şenocak, Behiye Eker, Bekir Bozdağ, Belgin Uygur, Binali Yıldırım, Burhan Kayatürk, Burhan Sakallı, Bülent Tüfenkci, Büşra Paker, Cem Şahin, Cüneyt Yüksel, Çiğdem Karaaslan, Derya Yanık, Efkan Ala, Emine Zeybek, Emre Ete, Erkan Kandemir, Fatih Şahin, Fatma Aksal, Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya, Fatma Güldemet Sarı, Hacı Bayram Türkoğlu, Haluk İpek, Hamza Dağ, Hasan Sert, Hayati Yazıcı, İbrahim Halil Yıldız, İsa Sinan Göktaş, İsmail Cenk Dilberoğlu, Jülide Sarıeroğlu, Leyla Şahin Usta, Lütfiye Selva Çam, Mehmet Ali Zengin, Mehmet Kasım Gülpınar, Mehmet Nil Hıdır, Mehmet Özhaseki, Menderes Türel, Metin Bulut, Metin Külünk, Metin Tarhan, Murat Baybatur, Mustafa Köse, Mustafa Şen, Mustafa Yel, Mücahit Birinci, Numan Kurtulmuş, Nurcan Dalbudak, Nurettin Canikli, Orhan Miroğlu, Ömer Çelik, Ömer İleri, Özlem Zengin, Öznur Çalık, Resul Kurt, Seda Sarıbaş, Sevan Sıvacıoğlu, Sevgi Yiğit, Sumru Altuğ, Sunay Karamık, Şamil Tayyar, Şaziye Gündüz, Şebnem Koçakelçi, Tahir Akyürek, Tuba Vural Çokal, Türk İslam Karakoç, Vedat Demiröz." Reserve members: 20 men, 15 womenThe 35 reserve members are as follows: "Tamer Akkal, Mücahit Yanılmaz, Azmi Ekinci, Hikmet Ayar, Korkmaz Karaca, Ahmet Bilal Kıymaz, Vildan Polat, Halise Çiftçi, Arzu Silin Günaydın, Davut Coşkun Şiviloğlu, Işıl Kurnaz Baltacı, Emre Çalışkan, Melek Şimşek, Murat Çiçek, Emre Cemil Ayvalı, Sümeyye Bozkurt, Eyüp Gökhan Özekin, Fatih Çiftçi, Ali Arif Özzeybek, M. Belma Erdoğan, Nazan Aytop, Neslihan Cenk, Nesrin Ulema, Serpil Yılmaz, Sevde Sena Dağlı, Tuba Köksal, Aişe Nur Kaçar, Mehmet Karabay, Harun Armağan, Kurtcan Çelebi, Ayşe Güliz Yılman, Mehmet Umur, Şevki Şar, M. Fatih Gök, Ahmet Fethan Baykoç." New members of the MKYKThe 47 new members of the AKP MKYK are as follows: "Abdurrahim Fırat, Abdurrahman Kurt, Ahmet Büyükgümüş, Ahmet Gündoğdu, Alaattin Parlak, Ayhan Salman, Ayşe Böhürler, Bayram Şenocak, Behiye Eker, Bekir Bozdağ, Belgin Uygur, Binali Yıldırım, Burhan Kayatürk, Burhan Sakallı, Cem Şahin, Cüneyt Yüksel, Derya Yanık, Emre Ete, Fatma Güldemet Sarı, Haluk İpek, Hasan Sert, İsa Sinan Göktaş, İsmail Cenk Dilberoğlu, Lütfiye Selva Çam, Mehmet Ali Zengin, Mehmet Kasım Gülpınar, Mehmet Nil Hıdır, Menderes Türel, Metin Külünk, Metin Tarhan, Mustafa Şen, Mücahit Birinci, Nurcan Dalbudak, Ömer İleri, Özlem Zengin, Resul Kurt, Seda Sarıbaş, Sevan Sıvacıoğlu, Sevgi Yiğit, Sumru Altuğ, Sunay Karamık, Şamil Tayyar, Şaziye Gündüz, Şebnem Koçakelçi, Tahir Akyürek, Tuba Vural Çokal, Türk İslam Karakoç." 22 people ousted22 people have been voted out of the board: "Ahmet Arslan, Ahmet Sorgun, Ahmet Tan, Cevdet Yılmaz, Erol Kaya, Eyüp Özsoy, Gökçe Özdoğan Enç, Harun Karacan, Hatice Kübra Öztürk Gökkaya, Hatice Merve Tatar, İffet Polat, Lütfi Elvan, Mahir Ünal, Mehmet Akif Kalaycı, Metin Yavuz, Mahmut Atilla Kaya, Mustafa Ataş, Osman Nuri Gülaçar, Tuğba Işık Ercan, Vildan Polat, Yavuz Subaşı ve Zehra Taşkesenlioğlu Ban." 28 people have held their position28 people will keep on serving in the AKP MKYK: "Ahmet Sami Ceylan, Ali İhsan Yavuz, Bülent Tüfenkci, Büşra Paker, Çiğdem Karaaslan, Efkan Ala, Emine Zeybek, Erkan Kandemir, Fatih Şahin, Fatma Aksal, Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya, Hacı Bayram Türkoğlu, Hamza Dağ, Hayati Yazıcı, İbrahim Halil Yıldız, Jülide Sarıeroğlu, Leyla Şahin Usta, Mehmet Özhaseki, Metin Bulut, Murat Baybatur, Mustafa Köse, Mustafa Yel, Numan Kurtulmuş, Nurettin Canikli, Orhan Miroğlu, Ömer Çelik, Öznur Çalık, Vedat Demiröz." |