AKP MPs Both Attack and File Lawsuit Against HDP MP Ahmet Şık

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The Justice and Development Party (AKP) has filed a lawsuit for damages of 100 thousand Turkish Lira against the İstanbul MP of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Ahmet Şık.
In the lawsuit petition submitted by the attorneys of the AKP Burhanettin Sevencan and Muammer Cemaloğlu to the Ankara Civil Court of First Instance on Duty, the speech of Ahmet Şık at the General Assembly of the Parliament on July 23 has been referred to as the reason for the lawsuit.
CLICK - HDP MP Ahmet Şık Prevented from Speaking in Parliament by AKP MPs
In the petition, it has been claimed that "Ahmet Şık made inconceivable, unreasonable and unconscionable statements of slander about the AKP and used highly insulting, incriminating and slandering remarks about the party, which are by no means possible to endure."
What happened?
The first part of the Bill of Law on Amendments to be Introduced to Some Laws and Statutory Decrees, which foresees new regulations concerning fight against terrorism, was discussed at the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) on July 23. During the discussions, the İstanbul MP of the HDP Ahmet Şık took the floor on behalf of his party.
Protested and attacked by the AKP MPs, Şık could not complete his speech and the Deputy Parliament Speaker Mustafa Şentop recessed the session for five minutes.
After this incident, Şık was given a penalty of being temporarily taken out of two parliamentary sessions by the vote. As part of the related penalty, two thirds of Şık's monthly allowance and travelling expenses has also been cut. (TP/SD)