AKP MP to Meral Danış Beştaş: ‘You Ugly Thing!’

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Filiz Kerestecioğlu from Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has made a press statement in the Parliament today and brought the expressions of Hakan Çavuşoğlu from Justice and Development Party (AKP) with regards to Meral Danış Beştaş from HDP to agenda.
On May 10, AKP Bursa MP Hakan Çavuşoğu had repeatedly interrupted HDP Adana MP Meral Danış Beştaş holding a speech at the General Assembly of the Parliament and told her “You ugly thing! Do I say anything about your ugliness”?
Kerestecioğlu as to the above mentioned expressions has noted:
“How a ruling member of the parliament can exercise his manliness through words which reflect the ugliness of his thoughts when the speaker on the rostrum is a woman. These were the words which torturers used to say to women whom they wanted to insult in the 80’s and 90’s. Their manly oppression tactiques reach almost from the torture rooms to the Parliament and to home. They think that they can insult women with ratings such as ugly-beautiful and pure-impure. But they are wrong. Women do not want ‘male justice’ anymore but ‘real justice’. Women want politicians who are interested in the women’s right to life and not in ‘moderate woman’ politics or reasons for divorce”.
The above-mentioned conversation between Çavuşoğlu from AKP and Danış Beştaş from HDP have been documented in the parliamentary minutes as follows:
Hakan Çavuşoğlu - Do I say anything about your ugliness? (Twice)
Meral Danış Beştaş - Before the International Criminal Court...
Hakan Çavuşoğlu - You immoral!
Meral Danış Beştaş - That’s what you are!
Başkan - Dear members of the Parliament, please...
Hakan Çavuşoğlu - Do I say anything about your ugliness?
Meral Danış Beştaş - You are the most immoral one and also impertinent, did you know that?
Hakan Çavuşoğlu - Do I say anything about your ugliness?
Hakan Çavuşoğlu - You are obsessed with my smile, you ugly thing!