AKP MP: These Academics Wouldn’t Be Granted Even Right to Live

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Justice and Development Party (AKP) Bayburt MP Şahap Kavcıoğlu has spoken at the European Union budget discussions at the Commission of Planning and Budget.
Accusing the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) of complaining to Europe about government’s policies towards academics and journalists, Kavcıoğlu blamed the HDP for being “denouncer”.
Kavcıoğlu said:
“You talk about academics and journalists. Look, what was supposed to be done in this country against an academic who wrote this? Intentional and planned massacre…An academic says that Turkey is carrying out a massacre.
“No academic signing this declaration has the right to be an academic in Turkey. That person doesn’t have right to teach students.
“I am an academic as well. How can such a treason against state be possible? No academic, politician or journalists who signed this petition would be granted right to live by any country, leave alone sending them to prison”.
Kürkçü and Paylan condemned Kavcıoğlu
Following Kavcıoğlu’s speech, HDP İzmir MP Ertuğrul Kürkçü said, “We must be thankful that we are still alive”.
HDP İstanbul MP Garo Paylan said, “Don’t allocate budget to this Ministry with this mindset”. (EKN/TK)