AKP deputy tests positive for coronavirus

Justice and Development Party (AKP) MP Muhammet Emin akbaşoğlu has tested positive for coronavirus.
"Due to a positive result from the last corona test which we have routinely done, the necessary medical process has been initiated today. Thank Allah, my general health is good," he said on Twitter last night (June 30).
Akbaşoğlu called for prayers from his "beloved friends."
His announcement comes after three opposition lawmakers from the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP).tested positive Saturday (June 29) for Covid-19.
Turkey's COVID-19 cases reached 199,906 on Tuesday, including 173,111 recoveries and 5,131 deaths.
Rutin yaptırdığımız korona testlerinden sonuncusunun bugün pozitif çıkması üzerine gerekli tıbbi süreç başlatıldı.Elhamdülillah genel sağlık durumum iyi.Bu vesile ile geçmiş olsun dileklerini ileten tüm dostlara samimi teşekkürlerimi iletir, özellikle dualarınızı istirham ederim.