Ahmet Şık: Rulership of Mafia Will Experience the Inevitable

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While being taken from the courtroom to be taken to Silivri Prison following the hearing in the Oda TV trial in which he was acquitted, Ahmet Şık has called on to the people who had been following the hearing.
Despite gendarmerie's attempts to stop, Ahmet Şık said the following:
"This decision should make an example for the prosecutors and judges who drafted and approved the bill of indictment in the trial of Cumhuriyet daily. We will create a life in which we will make the dreams of our children come true. This rulership of mafia, this organized state of evil will get what it deserves. It will experience the inevitable...Also the führer of Alaturca will [experience the inevitable] as well as his whole party. They will all go to the same dump. The government of AKP (Justice and Development Party) will end up in the very same dump of politics where the [Gülen] community is. So glad I have you".
Those following the trial chanted slogans saying "Ahmet will be released, he will write again". (EKN/DG)