Ahmet Şık Facing New Investigation

Journalist Ahmet Sık is facing an investigation launched by Special Authority Public Chief Prosecutor Muammer Akkaş due to his statements made when he was leaving the Silivri Prison in the evening of 12 March.
According to the Sabah daily, Prosecutor Akkaş initiated the investigation about Şık under allegations of "threatening and identifying judges and prosecutors as targets to terror organizations". The prosecutor's office requested the Istanbul Police Directorate supply video records of the statements Şık gave to the press when he left the prison.
Ahmet Şık, formerly detained defendant of the Oda TV trial, was released pending trial after 375 days behind bars on 12 March together with journalists Nedim Şener, Çoşkun Musluk and Sait Çakır.
At a statement made to the press after he left prison he said, "Incomplete justice is not going to bring justice and democracy. About one hundred journalists are still in prison, just related to my trial there are five detainees. The issue of freedom of expression is not only a problem of journalists. There are approximately 600 students. We are going to continue the struggle. The police officers, prosecutors and judges who plotted and carried out this complot will go to prison. Justice will come when they enter this prison". (EKN)