AFAD: Marmara earthquake will affect seven provinces

Gökhan Yılmaz, the President of the Risk Assessment and Prevention Department of the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) made statements regarding the expected earthquake in the Marmara Sea.
Yılmaz, who participated in an earthquake symposium in Edirne and addressed journalists, reminded that Turkey is located in a seismic zone and noted that significant earthquakes could occur in various regions.
Yılmaz stated that a potential earthquake in the Marmara Sea would affect Istanbul but also seven surrounding provinces.
Yılmaz, emphasized the need to renew the aging and deteriorating structures in a great city like Istanbul, which served in history as the capital of three empires, and which contains buildings dating back 2,000 years and a substantial population, and said that the most crucial preparation for Istanbul is to transform the city into a resilient metropolis.
Yılmaz emphasized the need to strengthen the city's infrastructure, including energy, drinking water, transportation, and communication, in addition to building renovations.
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