Activity Calendar Announced to Commemorate Hrant Dink

Hrant's Friends introduced a series of activities to commemorate Hrant Dink, the assassinated editor-in-chief of Agos, a nationwide weekly newspaper run by a majority of Turkey's Armenians.
The group said they would assemble in Istanbul's Şişli district at 1:30pm on the day of the commemoration and head to the ceremony in front of Agos newspaper building which will start at 3pm.
"It has been six years that Hrant was murdered. For the past six years, the investigation of behind the scene actors who encouraged, planned and provided logistics has yielded no results despite the government's promises. On the contrary, all government officials who caused Hrant's death have been promoted, backed up. They tried to cast a dark shadow on the investigation, they tried to make us forget the incident, they were unable to find the "network" behind the scenes...This means collaboration with murderers. The real assassins of Hrant must stand for trial. For this, we need to raise our voices, show our determination and solidify our willingness to seek for justice. Let them cast shadows over the incident, let them back up the culprits. It won't be over until we say so. We are here, Ahparig..."
The activity calendar
January 12-13: "Hrant Dink Operation on its 6th Year" Symposium in Cezayir Meeting Hall, Galatasaray, Istanbul.
January 13-18: Armenian Story Slam in Tütün Deposu, Tophane, Istanbul.
January 12-18: Photo exhibition of "In the sixth year of a search for justice" in Cezayir Meeting Hall, Galatasaray, Istanbul.
January 13-19: Film screenings in Tütün Deposu between 10am - 6pm.
January 14: A panel on the foundation of Agos newspaper will be held in Tütün Deposu at 8pm. (NV)