Accreditation Barrier for 13 Media Institutions by AKP

13 media institutions weren’t accredited for covering live AKP’s 1st Extraordinary Congress where new AKP Chairperson and new PM of Turkey will be determined.
Cumhuriyet, Sözcü,Yeni Çağ, BirGün, Aydınlık, Halk TV, Ulusal Kanal, Evrensel, Bugün, Samanyolu News, Kanal Türk, Zaman, and Cihan News Agency were not accredited. These institutions will not be allowed in the congress where new PM, who is going to found 62nd Government of Turkey, will be determined.
Accreditation barrier is realized for Cihan News Agency and Zaman Newspaper for the first time.
AKP Spokesman Hüseyin Çelik had stated that 900 media institutions with their technical groups, of which 100 are international institutions, were going to attend the congress. (EA/MUY/BM)
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* Click here to read the article in Turkish.