Access block to Sedat Peker’s 9 tweets

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Facing a warrant in Turkey for leading a criminal organization, Sedat Peker's nine tweets have been blocked to access.
According to EngelliWeb website, with the decision no. 2021/6819 dated June 8, 2021 and on the grounds of violation of personal rights, the Ankara 6th Penal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on Sedat Peker's nine tweets where he made some allegations about Esat Toklu, the Presiding Judge of the Ankara Regional Administrative Court.
Sedat Peker'in Ankara Bölge İdare Mahkemesi Başkanı ile ilgili iddialarda bulunduğu 6 tweeti, kişilik hakları ihlali gerekçesiyle, Ankara 6. Sulh Ceza Hakimliği'nin 8 Haziran 2021 tarih ve 2021/6819 sayılı kararı ile erişime engellendi. @sedat_peker
— EngelliWeb (@engelliweb) June 8, 2021
In the related Twitter posts, Sedat Peker alleged that Ankara Regional Administrative Court's Presiding Judge Esat Toklu stayed in the Paramount Hotel in Bodrum, which costs 100 thousand lira a night.
In his last video posted on Sunday (June 6), Peker claimed that some judges, prosecutors and press members also stayed in the hotel for free.
The related hotel belonged to businessperson Sezgin Baran Korkmaz. In the same video, Sedat Peker also alleged that Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu had tipped off Korkmaz about an investigation against him so that he was able to leave the country before being arrested.
In the wake of Peker's allegations, Judge Esat Toklu has dismissed the claims and filed a criminal complaint against Sedat Peker.
Toklu has said that he stayed in the hotel in September 2020 and paid 35 thousand lira. He has demanded that a lawsuit be filed against Peker on charge of "calumny", "insult" and "obtaining personal data."
CLICK - New revelations by Sedat Peker
CHP MPs share the video, photo of Toklu
On the other side, main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) MPs Ali Mahir Başarır and Gamze Taşçıer have shared some images which show Ankara Regional Administrative Court Presiding Judge Toklu together with Sucu Group's boss Uğur Sucu. Sucu Group was among the firms that built the TOGO Towers in Çankaya district in the capital city of Ankara, against which the Council of State gave a ruling on demolition on the grounds that they had been built in an unlicensed manner.
Ankara Bölge İstinaf Mahkemesi Başkanı Esat Toklu, Togo Kuleleri'ni yapan firmanın patronunun mahkemesinden önce, patronun doğum günü partisine katılıyor.
— Ali Mahir Başarır (@alimahir) June 9, 2021
Hem de patronun ofisinde!
Devletin hakimi, müteahhitin ofisine gider mi?
Ali Mahir Başarır has tweeted, "Ankara Regional Appeals Court Presiding Judge Esat Toklu attended the birthday party of the boss of the firm which built the Togo towers before the trial. And, in the office of the boss! Would the judge of the state go to the office of a contractor?"
Bir de şöyle ek yapayım. Esat Toklu, TOGO Kuleleri'ni yapan şirketin patronunu makamında ağırlamayı da eksik etmiyor. "Sevgili abim" diye anılacak kadar bir yakınlık da var. Toklu'nun başında bulunduğu İstinaf, bu kulelerle ilgili bazı kararlar almıştı...
— Gamze TAŞCIER???????? (@gamzetascier) June 9, 2021
Gamze Taşçıer has also said, "Let me add this: Esat Toklu also hosts the boss of the firm which built the TOGO Towers in his office. There is also such an intimacy to be called 'My dear big brother.' Headed by Toklu, the appeals court gave some rulings about those towers..."
Peker: I held the rallies for AKP
In a statement on Twitter yesterday (June 9), Sedat Peker alleged that he held several rallies across Turkey, especially in Rize, for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). Peker briefly said:
"You are so obsessed with the Rize rally. You are constantly asking the government why they let me hold rallies in Rize. I held my rallies not only in Rize; I also held rallies in Sakarya, Sivas, Maraş, Niğde, Cyprus, İzmir, Nevşehir, Ankara, several districts of İstanbul (for ak party)."
Takılmışsınız bir Rize mitingine.Hükümete sürekli neden Sedat Peker'e Rize'de miting yaptırdınız diyorsunuz.Ben sadece Rize'de miting yapmadım ki;Sakarya'da,Sivas'ta,Maraş'ta,Niğde'de,Kıbrıs'ta, İzmir'de,Nevşehir'de,Ankara'da ve İstanbul'un birçok ilçesinde yaptım (ak parti için)
— Sedat Peker (@sedat_peker) June 9, 2021