Access block to our male violence monitoring report: We won’t stay silent

"I am not afraid because there are women" - Photo: csgorselarsiv/Emre Orman
Click to read the article in Turkish
Some of the news of "Women are struggling, male violence is standing trial", covering the trials where the men who killed women are tried...
The news on the "Hormonal Tomato" LGBTI+phobia Awards...
A news report expressing a demand for justice for women...
Access blocks were imposed on all of these news reports of bianet, along with dozens of others, by penal judgeships of peace.
In a mail sent to bianet by the Access Providers Association (ESB), the removal of the related news reports has been demanded.
bianet has also been requested to inform the ESB that the related content has been removed. In the event that it is not informed that the online content is removed, a penal action will be taken against bianet.
O. Meriç Eyüboğlu, the lawyer of bianet and IPS Communication Foundation, says, "We cannot even access the most basic information, such as how many decisions of access block were given, which courts gave these decisions, on what grounds and upon whose request."
CLICK - All bianet male violence monitoring reports
'News on male violence bothers the government'
"Today, with an email sent to bianet by the Access Providers Association (ESB), we learned that 'decisions of access block were given by penal judgeships of peace' for dozens of news articles published on bianet at different dates," says Eyüboğlu, sharing the following information:
"That the news facing an access block is mostly the ones on male violence and male violence monitoring reports and that the only consistent and reliable source about male violence in the country, the only place where we can get information is targeted is especially upsetting.
"This censorship on news about male violence is - of course - not different from the situation of journalists who are facing more and more reckless police interventions and violence because they film the protest demonstrations making the political power holders uncomfortable.
"Besides, the email refers to 'the decisions of penal judgeships of peace' but in the attachment, there are neither the decisions in question nor the names of the courts or the numbers of the files that would enable us to access the related court rulings mentioned in the email.
"We cannot even access the most basic information, such as how many decisions of access block were given, which courts gave these decisions, on what grounds and upon whose request.
"In fact, we need this information in order to learn about the content and to lodge an appeal against the related court decisions. We applied to the ESB and expressed our demand to see the court decisions in question. We will determine our course of action depending on the reply.
'We won't stay silent'
"We will - of course - not stay silent in the face of this censorship, this grave interference with the right to receive and report news."
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