A Historical Step in Cyprus
"In a speech during my visit to Cyprus in January 2003, I called upon Mr Denktash to open the Green Line and let the Cypriots come together", Mr Schwimmer said in Strasbourg.
"For an old friend of Cyprus like myself this is a very emotional moment. One of the hopes of every good European has now been realized. I am confident that the opening of the Green Line will create an irresistible momentum and that we shall see a settlement of the Cyprus question in the very near future."
Mr Schwimmer said that in order to support the drive towards a solution, the Council of Europe envisages inviting leaders from all Cypriot parties to Strasbourg, so that they may renew their commitment of co-operation in finding and implementing a settlement.
The Secretary General added that "it is also very important that Europe now supports the process of reconciliation in Cyprus, in order to put any political solution on a stable basis in the hearts and minds of Cypriots".
The Council of Europe is planning to organize, very shortly, a seminar on a strategy for national reconciliation in Cyprus drawing on different European experiences. This meeting could be organized in the northern part of the island. (NM)