9 Protestors Fined For Protesting Governor

Authorities issued a 186 lira fine to 9 protestors in the southern province of Adana for protesting Governor Coş during the death anniversary ceremony of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk yesterday. While the fine was issued within Turkey’s Fault Law (Kabahatler Kanunu), authorities also launched an investigation on another protestor.
The incident took place during a commemoration ceremony for the death anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk - Turkey’s founder and first president. 10 attendees protested who were released by police authorities after their statements.
“Bring that idiot (gavat) who damned on me,” Governor Coş ordered his guards as he was leaving the ceremony attended by at least 3,000 people.
“I didn’t say ‘idiot’ (Gavat), I said ‘kavas’ (tipstaff),” the governor defended himself.
Interior Minister Muammer Güler, on the other hand, told Hürriyet newspaper that he didn’t appreciate Coş’s attitude and they launched an investigation.(EKN/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.