9 Miners Saved Alive After 13.5 Hours

Rescue teams have reached 9 miners alive who were were rapped inside a mine for 13.5 hours in the northern province of Zonguldak. The aferomentioned mine was run by Erci Mining Co. in Zonguldak's Diaver neighborhood.
Zonguldak Governor Ali Kaban released a statement, saying that the incident took place at 3 am last night - which was concealed initially.
"The subsidince occured around 3 am last night, however the responsible mine engineer concealed the incident. We learned about the incident when one of the family members brought the matter to our attention around 11:40 am this morning. Cautions were taken. Teams from Coal Institution of Turkey (TTK) and AFAD are working on the site. We can hear the sounds of workers who are trapped in the subside. We are lucky that it happened at the exit of the mine. It is 20 meters deep. Our teams are working on it. We are expecting to save our friends alive," the governor said in a statement.
The names of the miners are as follows: Yüksel Günbel, Ayhan Günbel, Cüneyt Karaünlü, Muhammet Kilitci, Mustafa Pazarbaşı, Murtaza Pazarcık, Taner Tutal, Müslüm Bayraklı and Ferhat Mankır.
Mine under contract
bianet interviewed Mine Engineers Chamber Zonguldak Branch Erdoğan Kaymakça told bianet that the mine was licensed and rented under Erce Mining Co with redevence system.
"We are expecting that they will be out in a couple of hours. We have a communication. This is an intrenchment subsidence. In other words, workers were trapped after the fall of ceiling in the main gallery. They are working on two shifts and there are 18 workers in each shift. This mine is not illicit, but the system here works on redevence."
Vali Kaban also added that they launched an investigation against the mine officials regarding the late notice. (NV/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.
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