9 Ground Art Books Now in Kurdish

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Middle East Cinema Academy Foundation has translated nine primary resources on different art fields from their original language into Kurmanji and Zazaki dialects of Kurdish.
The nine books are the following: Hunera Dram- Hunerê Dramî (Art of Drama), Ji Duh Heta îro Ramana Şanoyê (Notion of Theater from past to today), Dîroka Hunera Wêneyê (History of the Art of Painting), Sînemaya Bedeng-Sînemaya Bevenge (Silent Motion Pictures), Denge Paşeroje (The Voice of The Past ),Şêweyên Dîtine (Forms of Seeing) , Sînematografî (Cinematography),Belgefîlm (Documentary), Afiriandina Karakterekê (Creating a Character).
The translated books have been shared with NGOs and cultural institutions giving service in the region on the fields of Kurdish arts and education.
Native Language and Cultural Studies
The translations have been done within the scope of the “Native Language and Cultural Studies” project.
Project coordinator Coşkun Doğan has stated that the fundamental principle of the Middle East Cinema Academy Foundation was “to build an intercultural bridge between multilingualism, cultural richness, gender, ecology, individuality of women”.
“Under today’s circumstances individuals wanting to produce on cultural and art fields can not satisfy their needs due to cultural and intercultural inequalities.
”During this project of 22 months, we have undertaken activities in line with enrichment of Kurdish language and culture based art production, literary works and other art disciplines as well as studies for improving Kurdish practices, translating primary resources on various art disciplines into Kurdish, strengthening cultural and art basis of production and developing practical and theoretical backgrounds in native language.”
The Project has been supported by the European Union in the scope of the grant programme, European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). (YY/DG)