82-year-old ill prisoner denied house arrest

The Human Rights Association (İHD) İstanbul Branch Prison Commission held its 631st "F Sit-in" protest outside the association's office in Beyoğlu to draw attention to the condition of ill prisoners.
During the protest, demands were made for the release of 82-year-old Makbule Özer, who is being held at the Van High Security Prison.

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The statement read during the protest provided detailed information about Özer's illnesses and reiterated calls for justice. The statement said:
"82-year-old Makbule Özer, who is physically disabled and has a 52% disability rating, is diabetic, asthmatic, suffers from osteoporosis, and hypertension, and is congenitally disabled. Due to these illnesses and age-related problems, she requires special care and can only meet her personal needs with the help of relatives."
"Makbule Özer, whose condition we highlighted during our 539th F Sit-in on July 23, 2022, was initially arrested on May 9, 2022, following a total prison sentence of 2 years and 1 month for herself and her husband. Despite no improvement in her health during the intervening period, she was re-arrested and sent to prison on April 22, 2024."

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"Her son, providing information about the developments, stated: 'My mother turned 82 this year. She has had disabilities in both legs since birth. She has osteoporosis, asthma, and shortness of breath. She went to İstanbul Forensic Medicine Institution (ATK) a month before the elections. My mother had fallen in the bathroom and hurt her foot while going to ATK. That's why she couldn't walk, her health was poor. Nevertheless, although the ATK issued a report saying 'she can stay in a Type R prison,' and sent it to the Van Edremit Public Prosecutor's Office, which issued a detention order and hours after the report reached the prosecutor's office, my mother was arrested... The nearest Type R Prison is in Elazığ, the others are in İzmir and İstanbul. We don't want our mother to be transferred to another prison, even if it's Elazığ. We want her to be released.'"
"Despite her request for the execution to be applied as 'house arrest' before her arrest, which was not accepted, Makbule Özer's re-arrest poses a serious threat to her health and life. Within the scope of the 631st F SIT-IN this week, we call on the authorities to take action and the public to be sensitive. Release Makbule Özer! Release sick prisoners! Treatment is a right that cannot be denied!" (EMK/VK)