7th Trans Pride Week Starts with Theme of ‘Resistance and Peace’

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7th Trans Pride Week takes start with the theme of “Resistance and Peace” on June 13.
Organizer of the week, İstanbul LGBTİ Solidarity Association says, “We will discuss our own ‘resistance’ points with the panels and workshops that we will organize during the week and dream regarding ‘peace’, which we all need. We will meet under the dream of a world in which no resistance is needed to exist. We are inviting all anti-transphobia individuals opposing capitalism, fascism, racism, speciesism to support the week and join the parade. Remember! We are not whole without you!”.
In the week full of workshops, panels, performances and movie screenings, a cocktail and kermis will be held in which garnitures made by those staying at trans houses.
7th Trans Pride Week will end with the Trans Pride Parade that will start in front of French Embassy in İstiklal street on June 19, Sunday.
June 13 Monday 7th Trans Pride Week Press Meeting Time: 1 p.m. Place: Human Rights Association, Beyoğlu I am making peace with my body – Sexual Experiences of the Trans Time: 7 p.m. Place: Maçka Park
Moderator: Zelal Demir June 14 Tuesday Trans Masculine Material Workshop Time: 7 p.m. Place: İstanbul LGBTI Solidarity Association (The participation is limited to 20 people) June 15 Wednesday History of Transmen: From where to where Time: 6 p.m. Place: Aynalı Geçit
Moderator: Behram Aras
Panelists: Berk İnan, İlksen Gürsoy June 16 Thursday A Resistance Field: Shelter / Gypys Gül and Eylül Cansın Guesthouse Time: 6 p.m. Place: Aynalı Geçit
Moderator: Kıvılcım Arat
Panelists: Öykü Ay (Independent trans rights activist), Purple Roof, Ebru Kırancı (İstanbul LGBTI Solidarity Association) June 17 Friday A Resistance Field; Conscientious Objection as State of Re-forming Self Time: 1 p.m. Place: Aynalı Geçit
Moderator: Ercan Jan Aktaş / Conscientious Objector A Violated Right: Trans and Law Time: 4 p.m. Place: Aynalı Geçit
Moderator: Kıvılcım Arat
Panelists: Attorney Eren Keskin, Attorney Bülent Kırdar, Attorney Metehan Arısoy Cocktail, Kermes, Trans But Movie Screening Time: 7 p.m. Place: Nazım Hikmet Kültür Merkezi June 18 Satuday Invisible Labor: Sex Labor Time: 1 p.m. Place: Beyoğlu Kültür Sanat – Donkişot – Hazzo Pulo Passage
Moderator: Deniz Tunç
Panelists: Kemal Ördek (Kırmızı Şemsiye –Red Umbrella- ), Demet Yanardağ (İzmir Siyah Pembe Üçgen –İzmir Black Pink Triangle)
Common Envisagement: Peace Time: 4 p.m. Place: Beyoğlu Kültür Sanat – Donkişot – Hazzo Pulo Passage
Moderator: Kıvılcım Arat Panelists: Filiz Kerestecioğlu (HDP İstanbul MP), Selina Doğan (CHP İstanbul MP) Trans X İstanbul Movie Screening Time: 7 p.m. Place: Nazım Hikmet Kültür Merkezi June 19 Sunday 7th Trans Pride Parade Time: 5 p.m. Place: In front of the French Embassy |