‘780 Children are Behind Bars with Their Mothers’

* Photo: Twitter
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The Right Initiative (Hak İnisiyatifi) Association has released a statement about children who are between the ages of 0-6 and behind bars. The Association has indicated that while the number of children who were behind bars was 743 in 2018, it has increased to 780 as of November 2019.
According to the figures announced by the Association, 543 of 743 children behind bars in 2018 were between the ages of 0 and 3 and 200 children were between the ages of 4 and 6.
Other highlights from the statement are as follows:
"Of 543 babies between the ages of 0-3, 37 babies are younger than six months. In addition to this, there are 35 pregnant women. The mothers of 519 children are convicted and those of 224 children are arrested.
'It doesn't comply with international standards'
"According to unofficial figures, as of November 2019, the number of children in prison has become 780. The Article 16/4 of the Law no. 5275 on the Execution of Sentences and Security Measures says the following: The execution of a prison sentence shall be suspended if the woman is pregnant or less than 6 months have passed since she gave birth.
"The conditions of children between the ages of 0-6 behind bars with their mothers are not adequate and do not comply with international standards. The United Nations (UN) Bangkok Rules (the Articles 48-52 of which include regulations on pregnant and nursing women and the ones who are with their children in prison) contain detailed regulations regarding the prison conditions of arrested and convicted women.
'Children should in now way be treated as prisoners'
"According to these documents, the women who are pregnant, have just given birth, are in breast feeding period and have their children with them should be provided with humane conditions, approaching them in accordance with their needs, and children should be monitored by specialists, children should in no way be treated as prisoners."
Concluding the statement, the Right Initiative has called on the authorities to urgently end the arbitrariness in enforcing the articles pertaining to the stay of execution. As a permanent solution, the Association has recommended that the stay of execution of pregnant women and mothers with children between the ages of 0 and 6 be legalized immediately. (RT/SD)