6th, 7th Articles of Constitutional Amendment Draft Passed in Parliament

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The General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) has passed the sixth and seventh articles of the Constitutional Amendment Draft.
Article 6
The sixth article of the draft, one of the most disputed articles in the draft, provides an amendment in Article 98 of the Constitution regulating the power of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) on monitoring the executive.
The article lifts the "motion non-confidence" from the Constitution which is the most effective tool of the Parliament for monitoring the executive.
The General assembly passed the third article with 343 affirmative, 137 no and one invalid votes of 483 votes used in total.
Article 7
The seventh article of the amendment draft provides an amendment in Article 101 of the Constitution regulating the qualifications and the impartiality of the President and lifts the requirement on the impartiality of the President.
The Parliament has passed the article with 340 yes, 136 no, four blank and two invalid votes of 482 used in total. (HK/DG)