67% of Turkey Don’t Approve Military Operations against Syria

Metropoll Strategic and SocialResearchesCenter prepared a questionnaire titled “What do our people think about government’s Syria goals and policy?”
The questionnaire has been published for the first time on CNN Türk. 2074 people were questioned between July 7 and July 12, inTurkey.
67% of participants don’t want military operations against Syria. Upon the question “Who must control northern Syria?” 34,9% of Justice and Development Party (AKP) voters, 49,4% of Republican People’s Party (CHP) voters, 32,4% of Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) voters and 84,1% of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) voters said Democratic Union Party of Syria (PYD). 20,6% of AKP voters and 13% of MHP voters said Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) should control northern Syria. (NV/BD/HK)
Results of the questionnaire are as below: