650 New Child Abuse Cases in Turkey Every Month

Entitled “Prevention of sexual abuse and ill-treatment against children”, a political note drafted by various children organizations cited at least 19,757 cases launched in 2013 related to assaults to the sexual integrity of children.
The note emphasized that 46 percent of sexual assaults targeted children: 14,417 conviction have been issued - 61 percent of all convictions.
The political note has been drafted by the following organizations: International Children’s Center (ICC), Joint Network To Prevent Violence Against Children and Struggle Network Against Commercial Abuse of Children.
Results of other research
Saying that child abuse could be preventible, some of the highlights from the political note are as follows:
* According to Justice Ministry, 650 child abuse cases are brought to the attention of Forensics Institute.
* According to UNFPA 2014 report, 91,000 teenager girls become mothers throughout the world. Every third of marriages in the world include child bridges.
According to Violence Against Women 2009 report, 11 percent of teenager girls and young women are forced to sexual intercourse or relations under the age of 15 by their partners. For those over 15, the same measure turned out 6 percent. For the same age group, those who were subjected to sexual violence by their husbands is 14 percent.
Lack of date
ICC underlined the lack of research and date on the issue in Turkey.
“Most research is on medicine and there is not enough research on social sciences.
“Even though research related to sexual abuse in Turkey focuses on awareness, diagnosis and reporting, and suggest descriptive data, it doesn’t include issues like its frequency, prevention and treatment.
“No research”
One of the highlights of the political note also included sexual abuse against children (such as prostitution, pornography, internet abuse, sexual aimed children trade, sex tourism) are not researched in Turkey.
“On one hand, the research on prevalence is limited. On the other hand, there is no research on incidents, tendencies over time (repeated through years), geographical distribution and related risk factors.” (YY/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.
* Click here to read the full report in Turkish.