6 Attacks, 234 Deceased, 1 Discharge, 0 Resignation
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Reyhanlı, Diyarbakır, Suruç, Ankara, Sultanahmet and Ankara again… 234 people have been killed, over a thousand others injured in the attacks. A high-ranking official has been discharged, no one resigned. Head of the intelligence agency has been Hakan Fidan during the whole time.
52 people getting killed and 146 others wounded in the attack launched in Reyhanlı on May 11, 2013, and the attack carried out against public meeting of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Diyarbakır on June 5 that left five people dead, and 400 wounded were like signaling the bomb attacks that claimed lives of 182, and injured as many as 700 as of June 7 general elections.
As Reyhanlı massacre and attack on HDP public meeting are added, the death toll rises to 234, and the number of wounded to thousands.
Another point besides magnitude of the attacks draws attention; mechanisms of resignation and penalizing those responsible for the attacks don’t function.
Fidan has been the undersecretary during the whole time
Six massive attacks, 234 deceased, over a thousand wounded…In return, only one discharge, zero resignation, two promotions.
The other striking point is that there has been the same figure as head of Turkish National Intelligence Agency (MİT) during the whole time: Hakan Fidan
Celalettin Lekesiz, the Hatay Governor at the time of Reyhanlı massacre which left 52 people dead has been assigned as Chief Police Constable, and then Chief Police Constable Mehmet Kılıçlar assigned as Ankara Governor.
Lekesiz continues to serve as Chief Police Constable after the attacks of Diyarbakır (five killed), Suruç massacre (34 killed), Ankara massacre (109 killed), Sultanahmet bombing (11 killed), and lastly attack in Ankara (28 killed).
Kılıçlar is still the governor despite two massive attacks in Ankara.
Only one relieved of duty
The only high-ranking official who lost his seat has been Ankara Chief Police Constable, Kadri Kartal.
Kartal was relieved of his duty four days after the Ankara massacre.
Reyhanlı (May 11, 2013 – 52 killed, 146 wounded)Minister Of Interior: Muammer Güler Undersecretary of MİT: Hakan Fidan Chief Police Constable: Mehmet Kılıçlar Hatay Governor: Celalettin Lekesiz Hatay Chief Constable: Ragıp Kılıç |
Diyarbakır (June 5, 2015 – 5 killed, around 400 wounded)Minister Of Interior: Sebahattin Öztürk Undersecretary of MİT: Hakan Fidan Chief Police Constable: Celalettin Lekesiz Diyarbakır Governor: Hüseyin Aksoy Diyarbakır Chief Constable: Halis Böğürcü |
Suruç (July 20, 2015 – 34 killed, around 100 wounded)Minister Of Interior: Sebahattin Öztürk Undersecretary of MİT: Hakan Fidan Chief Police Constable: Celalettin Lekesiz Urfa Governor: İzzettin Küçük Urfa Chief Constable: Eyüp Pınarbaşı |
Ankara (October 10, 2015– 109 killed, around 500 wounded)Minister Of Interior: Selami Altınok Undersecretary of MİT: Hakan Fidan Ankara Governor: Mehmet kılıçlar Chief Police Constable: Celalettin Lekesiz Ankara Chief Constable: Kadri Kartal |
Sultanahmet (January 12, 2016 – 11 killed, 15 wounded)Minister Of Interior: Efkan Ala Undersecretary of MİT: Hakan Fidan İstanbul Governor: Vasip Şahin Chief Police Constable: Celalettin Lekesiz İstanbul Chief Constable: Mustafa Çalışkan |
Ankara (February 17, 2016 – 28 killed, 61 wounded)Minister Of Interior: Efkan Ala Undersecretary of MİT: Hakan Fidan Ankara Governor: Mehmet Kılıçlar Chief Police Constable: Celalettin Lekesiz Ankara Chief Police Constable (vekaleten): Ahmet Hakan Arıkan |
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