5-Year-Old Child Sexually Abused in İstanbul

* Photograph: Women Assemblies / Twitter
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A five-year-old child has been hospitalized after she was sexually abused in the Neighborhood of Kanarya in Küçükçekmece, İstanbul.
It has been reported that the abused child was found by her family in front of their house. The girl was unconscious when the family found her. The girl was hospitalized afterwards. Hearing about the incident, the residents of Kanarya marched to the Kanarya Police Station after 7 p.m. yesterday (April 23) and protested the incident by chanting slogans.
It has also been indicated that the only witness of the incident was another five-year-old child who was playing with the sexually abused girl.
Neighborhood residents protested the incident
Upon hearing the news of child abuse, the residents of Kanarya Neighborhood took to the streets to protest the incident. All through the night, the women of Kanarya walked along the streets of the neighborhood and called others to join their protest. The crowd, which grew later in the night, reached the police station and continued protesting there.
The following videos were shared on Twitter by Women's Collective:
İstanbul Küçükçekmece'de 4 yaşındaki bir çocuk birden fazla kişi tarafından istismara maruz bırakıldı. Bunun üzerine, mahalleli kadınlar istismarı protesto etmek için polis karakolunun önüne yürüdü.
— Kadın Kolektifi (@kadinkolektifi) 23 Nisan 2019
Çocuk istismarının örtbas edilmesine izin vermeyeceğiz! pic.twitter.com/De8PNG0QBh
The people of Kanarya protested the incident by banging pots and pans. The police made an announcement, calling the crowd to disperse.
In a statement made on the official Twitter account of Directorate General of Security, it has been stated, "A five-year-old girl child of ours is under medical observation in hospital. The process is being followed."
Online petition launched against child abuse
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Women's Assembly has also announced that they will make a statement for the press in front of the Küçükçekmece Security Directorate at 1 p.m. today (April 24). HDP MP Hüda Kaya will also attend the statement for the press.
The Platform of End Violence Against Children has also launhced an online petition on change.org with the title "Solution for Sexual Abuse of Children: Justice, Protection and Rehabilitation." (AÖ/SD)